Taylor Me
As part of our value proposition to our clients, we are very proud to offer clients TaylorMe. TaylorMe is a FREE cyber office for all Taylored Financial Services clients. Clients have a personal folder in which to store whatever they are wanting to have access to 24/7 from anywhere in the world and we share a folder in which we keep their policy schedules, their Estate planning, their Wills, their FICA documentation and all of their compliance documentation. No more posting or emailing large documents or pages and pages of documentation.
As a further value add to our clients, clients are able to track any correspondence with regards to their portfolio within their file. For example if a client is awaiting a medical aid, investment or risk claim, they are able to see when the claim was logged, who is dealing with it, when we followed up on their behalf, who we spoke, when we spoke to them and when they can expect payment. This is all permanently saved in their secure portal which only they have access to once registering with TaylorMe.
Contact us now for a better, simpler, more transparent way of managing your financial portfolio.